Wednesday 30 May 2018

OOTD - 36 - hello sunshine


See on siis teine osa meie maal käigu postitusest,teise päeva veetsime perega talguid pidades,tegime igasuguseid erinevaid talutöid,grillisime ja veetsime lihtsalt mõnusalt aega koos. Vahepeal leidsime õega ka aja pildistamiseks,käisime jalutasime ringi ja otsisime igasuguseid ilusaid kohti selleks.Kuna ilm oli nii ilus ja päikseline,siis otsustasin pidistamiseks panna selga ka sama päikselise outfiti. See kollane nahktagi teeb mul alati tuju heaks,annab ka kõige igavamale välimusele nii palju särtsu,et muud polegi vaja lisada.Kuna tol ajal polnud veel päris suvised ilmad,siiski oli tuulega pisut jahe,siis panin jalga oma go-to mustad Zara teksad ja mustad Calvin Kleini ketsid - nagu ikka. Aga,et kõik ei oleks liiga tume,siis otsustasin natuke õhulisust ja heledamaid toone anda oma valge Bershka off the shoulder pluusiga - Lihtne,mugav&khuul.

Järgmine postitus tuleb ilmselt juba mu järgmisest reisist,stay tuned :)

This is the part two of our trip to family country house,we spent our second day doing different garden work,bbq-ing and just spending some quality time together. We also found some free time in the middle of it all and went for a little photoshoot with my sister,we walked around the counrtyside and found some beautiful places for it. Because the weather was so nice and sunny,I decided to also wear something sunny. That yellow leather jacket always makes me so happy,it gives even to the most boring outfits something fun and special,you don't even need to add anything else.Because it was still a bit windy and chilly I added my black Zara jeans and my black Calvin Klein sneakers - like always.But to make it a bit lighter,so that the outfit would not be so dark I added my white off the shoulder Bershka top - simple,comfy&cool.

The next post will most probably be about my next vacation ... so stay tuned :)

Jeans-Zara , Top-Bershka , Jacket-Bershka , Shoes-Calvin Klein , Sunglasses-Random boutique in Croatia , Belt-H&M.

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