Üks nädalavahetus teel perega maale sattusime Märjamaale,kus minu arhidektuuri hull õde tahtis kohe maju ja kirikut pildistama hakata. Kasutasin siis kohe juhtust ja lasin tal ka endast mõned pildid teha.(ja mina temast). See outfit on küll minu go-to,kui tahan ennast võimalikult mugavalt riidesse panna.Mustad Nike retuusid ja must over-sized Adi pusa, nende kahe kombo on põhiline,nii reisisin ma ka oma pikalt tripilt Miamist tagasi. Et looki veidigi khuulimaks muuta,lisasin juurde oma uue lemmiku - Teksatagi. Teksatagi annab mu üleni mustale riietusele veidi värvi ja karakterit,ning kordki suudan ma välja minna nii,et ei kanna ühte oma nahktagidest(mida ma teen pmst igapäev). Jalas ikka mu tavalised mustad ketsid,mustad prillid ja must üleõla kott - mugav & khuul look. Kuna startisime Reedel peale tööd,siis jõudsime üsna hilja kohale ning ega väga palju too õhtu teha enam ei jõudnudki,väike õhtusöök ja vein ning valmistusime järgmise päeva talguteks. ( tegime too nädalavahetus päris palju pilte,seega paar outfiti&maalelu postitust tuleb veel :) )
One weekend we went to our country house with my family and on our way there we stopped by Märjamaa,where my architecture crazy sister wanted to take some pictures of the houses and church there,so I used the opportunity and let her took some pictures of my outfit also(and I took some of her). This outfit is definitely my go-to when I want to be comfy. Black Nike leggings and black over-sized Adidas sweater,those two together are my main combo,I wore them also when I was travelling back from my long trip to Miami. To make this outfit look a little cooler,I added my new favorite - blue denim jacket. It gives some color and character to my look and for once I leave my house without wearing one of my many leather jackets as I always do. I'm also wearing my usual black sneakers,black sunglasses and a black cross-body bag - comfy & cool look. Because we started driving on Friday after work,we arrived there pretty late so we did not do much that evening, ate some dinner,drank some wine and prepared ourselves for the next day which was a big working day. ( We took a lot of pictures that weekend so stay tuned,more to come :) )
Leggings - Nike,Sweatshirt - Adidas,Jacket - Newyorker,Shoes - Calvin Klein,Bag - Zara,Sunglasses - random boutique in Croatia.
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