Monday, 29 October 2018

Events - Fashionshow - D_O_M 2018 @ Disainiöö


Paar nädalat tagasi käisin ma ühel Disainiöö üritusel nimega D_O_M - Disain on moes, mis oli moeshow, kus esitlesid oma kollektsioone 4 Eesti disainerit. Nendeks disaineriteks olid : ELLEN RICHARD - disainer Kristi Pärn, REET AUS - disainer Reet Aus,EVE HANSON - disainer Eve Hanson ning Kollektsioon "TAASUUS", disainer Helve Alla. Kõik need disainerid teevad väga lihtsaid,klassikalisi ja igapäevaelus kantavaid rõivaid, kuid mulle isiklikult meeldis kõige rohkem Ellen Richardi looming. Tema loomingus kasutati palju musta värvi ning lihtsaid kui samas huvitavaid lõikeid, millele oli juurde lisatud igasuguseid huvitavaid nn-wrap stiilis elemente, seega igat rõivaeset annab oma näo järgi natukene erinevalt siduda ning seeläbi oma kehaehituse ja maitse järgi sättida. Moeshow toimus vanas Balti Jaama ootesaalis, mis on nüüdseks renoveeriutud ning väga khuuliks tehtud. Teisel korrusel oli ka kunstinäitus, mis mulle väga meeldis, sest see oli selline kaasaegne ning mingil määral ka huumoriga vürtsitatud - sisadas palju erinevaid värve kuid samas ka monokromaatilisi pilte ning kõik need olid erinevate valgustega esile toodud.Boonuseks oli ka muidugi see, et serveeriti Gin&Tonicut - no kellele ei meeldiks vana hea GIN&T.

Couple of weeks ago I went to Design night event D_O_M - Design is in fashion, which was a fashion show where 4 Estonian Designers showed their collections. Those Designers were : ELLEN RICHARD - designer Kristi Pärn, REET AUS - designer Reet Aus, EVE HANSON - designer Eve Hanson ning Kollektsioon "TAASUUS", designer Helve Alla. All these designers do really simple, classic and wearable clothes, but I personally liked Ellen Richard's collection the most. She uses a lot of black and simple but interesting cuts in her design but adds an interesting twist to them with different kind of so called wrap-elements, so you can change the piece so it would fit your personal taste and body type. Fashion show was held in the old Balti Jaama waiting room ( train station ) which has been renovated and looks really cool. On the second floor there was a art exhibition, which I really liked, it was modern and with a drop of humor - a lot of colorful but at the same time monochromatic pieces and they were all highlighted with different kind of lights. And as a bonus, they served Gin&Tonic for us, so who doesn't like some Gin&T?

I didn't have my camera with me and we sat in the 3rd row and later on the balcony so I did not get a lot of good pictures of the collections, but I will add the ones we managed to take and will add some photos what was taken by professional photographers, so you would see some of the designs what were shown there.

hope you like it!

I took this picture from the balcony to capture the whole event - so cool!

my favorite look of the night, love this dress.

 All the pictures above are by Kuuno KUUSIK.

All the photos above are by Laura PALLING.

All the photos above are from my phone.

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