Last weekend we went to our beautiful old town with a plan to try out our new GoPro(wanted to try it out befoure our trip to Miami) but because it was so windy and cold outside,we could not handle it and only took a couple of photos and went to the new Balti Jaama Turg.We tried out some delish food,some chicken wraps from Wrap'n'Roll and some chocolate cake? (that was my bfs) and macaroons from Ristikheina Kohvik - I would recommend both of those food places. So here are some photos of my outfit,our beautiful city and of course me REALLY enjoying that delicious food.
Soon there will be much more interesting posts and pictures! (Miami in 9 days,CAN'T WAIT)
Eelmine nädalavahetus käisime me Tallinna vanalinnas plaaniga proovida meie uut GoPro-d enne meie reisi Miamisse aga kuna väljas oli nii tuuline ja külm,siis me lihtsalt ei suutnud seda teha ning tegime ainult paar pilti ja läksime uude Balti Jaama turule. Sõime seal üli häid wrappe Wrap'n'Rollist ja kooki ning macroone Ristikheina kohvikust - soovitaksin mõlemat kohta,üli hea toit oli,meie jäime rahule. Siin on siis mõned pildid mu outfitist,meie ilusast vanalinnast ja muidugi minust kohe täiega natutimas seda toitu.
Varsti on siin palju rohkem ja huvitavamaid pilte ja postitusi,sest 9 päeva pärast me läehem MIAMISSE!!
Shoes - Zara, top - Zara, Fauxfur - Wish, bag - Zara,hat - H&M,jeans - Stradivarius.
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