Sunday 16 October 2016

OOTD - 13 - last leather jacket weathers

Siin siis ilmselt viimane outfit sellel aastal,kus saan kasutada nahktagi,ilmselt on see hea asi,sest seda nahktagi olen ma küll ikka LIIGA palju kandnud,peab sellele veidi puhkust ka andma.Läksin TTÜ lasteasjade turule Frederickule uusi riideid jahtima,ta kasvab nii ruttu,et reisilt tulles oli tunne,et polegi enam midagi talle selga panna,eriti ,kui ilmad on nii ruttu nii külmaks läinud,vajasime soojasid asju talle.Seal olid esindatud ka ühed mu lemmikud lasteriiete butiigid - Mimi disain,lulukids,vintage disain jpt,kust leidsin talle ka igast ägedaid asju. Pärast seda läksime Pirosmani restorani lõunat sööma ja koju,seega ka selline sisse pakitud ja mugav riietus,sest läksin jala igalepoole.

So this is probably the last outfit with a leather jacket this year,because it's getting too cold here,but i guess it's a good thing,because i've been wearing it wayyy too much.I went to TTÜ children stuff flea market,to buy new clothes for Frederick,cause when we came back from our vacation,it seemed like there was no clothes that fitted him anymore and also it's so cold here so quickly that we needed some warm clothes for him.There was many of my favorite Estonian children clothes boutiques like Mimi disain,Lulukids,Vintage disain and so on,and i found some really cool stuff for him.After that we went to a Pirosmani restaurant for a lunch and then home,that's why my outfit is so layered and comfy,cause I went everywhere on foot and it's like under 10degrees.
 Jacket-Zara,Jeans-Shein,Shoes-Stradivarius,Hat-Gina tricot,Bag-random shop in Spain,Scarf-H&M,Jumper-Takko.

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